About Luo Mingjun

Born in China, Mingjun Luo studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of the Hunan Normal University between 1979 and 1983. As an assistant teacher of drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts, she was awarded the Hunan Province Prize in 1984. In 1985, she founded the "0 Art Group", a collective of avant-garde artists, with her fellow students. She arrived in Switzerland in 1987 and settled in Bienne.     

From then on, she regularly exhibited around the world and was awarded the Ernst Anderfurhen Prize in 1994 and 1996, the Frauenkunstpreis Berne in 2008 and the Here and Elsewhere grant from the Canton of Berne in 2017. The personal exhibitions that marked her career took place in 2006 at the Creek Art Center in Shanghai, in 2008 at the Centre Pasquart in Bienne and in 2016 at the Musée d'art de Pully.      

She has had numerous group exhibitions, including The Way of Writing (Musée des beaux-arts de Correr, Venise 2024), Chinese Contemporary Art - The Sigg Collection (Musée d'art Songeun, Séoul, Corée du Sud, 2023), Through the Tundra, Deserts and Glaciers - The 5th Global Chinese Art Exhibition (Musée d'art He Xiangning, Shenzhen, 2022), Sur papier at the Musée d'art et d'histoire de Neuchâtel (2021), Chinese Contempo-rary Art in Hubei & Hunan 1985-2009 at the Guangdong Museum of Fine Arts in China (2009) and The Yi School: Thirty Years of Chinese Abstract Art at CaixaForum in Madrid (2008).

Over the year, the exploration of the concepts of identity and memory has always been present in Luo Mingjun’s works. In the interstices between Chinese and Western cultures, face of the changes in ideology and cultural identity brought by the two opposing cultural environments, she has created for herself a middle ground for easy dialogue and communication, a “third space“ where different cultural factors can be fused, filtered, and transformed into a personal style of work.

Expositions personnelles sélections


No way back Gallery Lechbinska, Zurich,Switzerland

Rivers, Gallery Oriane, Munich, Germany


Drifting Through Eternity, Luo Mingjun New Works, AYE  Gallery, Beijing, China 
Tu es je suis, Gallery Gisèle Linder, Basel Switzerland
2022Luo  Mingjun, Fondation Louis Moret, Martigny, Switzerland
2021Border, Kunstverein Konstanz, Konstanz Germany
2020On stage, Musee Jurassien des arts, Moutier, Switzerland
 Far away, Galerie Gisèle Linder, Basel, Switzerland 
Under the sky,  Gallery Heinzer Reszler, Lausanne, Switzerland
2019I walk beside you ,  AYE Gallery, Beijing, China
2018On stage, Gallery Gisèle Linder, Basel Switzerland
2017The Path of Time, AYE  Gallery, Beijing, China
Faraway  Place,  Artscape, Luxembourg
2016Here and now, Musee d’art de Pully , Switzerland
Open the door, Gallery Gisèle Linder, Basel , Switzerland
2015Paper boat, Kunstkeller, Berne  Switzerland
2014The third space,  Gallery Gisèle Linder Basel Switzerland &  Aeroplastics contemporary, Brussels,
2013Close to somewhere, Fondation Louis Moret, Martigny, Switzerland
2012Rice, Davel 14, Cully, Switzerlan
Scent of dust, Gallery Gisèle Linder Basel, Switzerland & / Beijing  Fine Arts, China
2011Go and back, LDX, Songzhuang, Beijing, Chin
 Au sud  des nuages,Atelier Raynald Métraux, Lausanne Switzerland
Brises,Gallery  Gisèle Linder Basel, Switzerland
2010Ici ou  là bas, Kunstkeller, Berne, Switzerland
2009Deciphered, Fondation Louis Moret, Martigny, Switzerland
2008Red Dust, Kunsthalle Centre PasquArt, Bienne Switzerlan
La  goutte d’eau dans l’océan, Gallery Gisèle  Linder, Basel, Switzerland
20071&1/2 Alien, Creek Art Center of Shanghai/Beijing, Shanghai/Beijing Chine
2006Aches,  Wenwork, Beijing Chine
2004Break Up, Kunstkeller, Berne, Swaitzerland
2001Noah Ark, Espace Libre Bienne, Swaitzerland
2000/1998Break the chinese character, Kunstkeller, Berne, Swaitzerland
1993Luo Mingjun, Berner Galerie,   Berne, Swaitzerland

Expositions  collectives


The way of Writing, Museum Correr, Venice, Italy

Beyond Imagery, Edition VFO, Zurich, Switzerland

2023Chinese Contemporary Art frome the SIGG collection, Songeun Art Museum,  South Korea. 
2022Through Frozen Soil, Desert and Glacier, He xingning Art muserum, Shenzhen,Chin
2021XXL The big drawing, Musée Jenisch Vevey. Switzerland
On Paper, Museum of Art and History Neuchâtel & Museo delle Culture Lugano. SwitzerlandSwitzerland
Existence, Wind H Art, Beijing China
2020Salon of Contemporary Printmaking, Wallpaper Museum, Mézlères. Switzerland
2019Cartography of the gift, Musée cantonal des beaux-arts Lausanne. Switzerlan
Chinese Art today, Kunsthaus Interlaken, Switzerland
2018d’Effacement(s),  Galerie C, Switzerland

Blank Cheque, Beijing in Berline, Berline contemporary fine arts, German
The World,  Qianxing Art Museum, Changsha, China

2016Fundamental - la 5e Biennale des médiations, Poznan, Pologne
2015Liberating, Modern Art Museum of St.Petersburg, Russie  & Galleri Astley  Museum, Sweden 
Des seins à  dessein 2015,  l’Espace Arlaud Lausanne, Switzerland
3, Beijing SZ Art Centre, China 
2014China.Liestal, Biennale XinJiang, Chine
Plateformes,  Centre d’art contemporain Yverdon-les-Bains,Switzerland
China.ch,  Kunsthalle Palazzo , Switzerland
Accrochage, Musée cantonal des beaux-arts  Lausanne. Switzerland
2013Wunderland 2013, Exposition d’art contemporain au Château de Rue, FR, Switzerland
2012This is a women’s world, Kunstmuserum Thun, Switzerla
 Undoing Shuimo, Duolun Art muserum, Shanghai, China
I am the space where I am, He xingning Art muserum, Shenzhen,China
2011Paris-Martigny,  la carte et le territoire”, Paris, France
Seconds souffles, Pavés dans la mare, Besançon, France
Accrochage, Musée cantonal des beaux-arts  Lausanne. Switzerland
2010Traffic Art-highway,  Shanghai metro station, Shanghai, China
Invisible City,  Shanghai Fei Art, China
Now Asian Artist, Busan Biennal, Korea Sud
2009Contemporary Art in Hubei & Hunan1985-2009, Museum of fine Art Guangdong, Chine.
Les visages de l’industrie, Musée des beaux-arts Le Locle, Switzerland
2008L’art abstrait chinois des 30 dernières années, La Caixa Forum, Espagn
Liberation feet , Ivan Dougherty Gallery, The University of New South Wales, Australia 
2007My drawer, Sunzhuang Art Festival, Beijing Chine
Self-taught Society - Exhibition in Deviation, FeiArt Center  Shanghai, Chine 
2006Exposition collective, Centre PasquArt-Bienne / Musée Art de Moutier   CH
2005Dix artistes femmes , Pingyao international photography Festival,China
1999Change directory, Kunsthalle, Berne, Switzerland
1997-1998Bienne-Genève, Bienne et Genève, Switzerland
1992Berner Biennale 1992, Centre PasquArt, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
1985Fondatrice de “0 Art Group” et participante à l’exposition, changsha, China
19846th National exhibition, Shenyang, Chine
Young artists from Hunan, Changsha, Chine


2017Bourse « ici et ailleurs » Canton de  Berne CH
2012Bourse de voyage, Canton de Berne CH
2008Frauen Kunst Preis,  Berne CH
1994/1996Bourse Anderfuhren,  Biel/Bienne CH
1984Prix de la province du Hunan R. P. China